Carbon Credit Ratings

Carbon credit ratings are assessments of the environmental impact of corporations and organizations in relation to their carbon emissions. These ratings measure the effectiveness of a company's carbon credits, which are tradable certificates that provide the holder the legal right to emit a specific amount of greenhouse gases.

A company can earn carbon credits by investing in emission reduction projects and practices. Carbon credit ratings evaluate the quality and authenticity of these credits, providing insights into how well a company is managing its carbon footprint and its commitment to environmental sustainability.

Clear Rating provides reliable and transparent carbon credit ratings, helping organizations understand their environmental impact while assisting investors in making informed decisions regarding sustainable investments. Our FREE Carbon Credit Rating Calculator can give you an estimate of your credits value. Reach out to us for a custom valuation incorporating more metrics into our assessment.

Carbon Credit Ratings

Carbon Credit Calculator

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Presenting Clear Rating's Carbon Credit Calculator! Gain valuable and early insights into the environmental impact of your projects effortlessly. Try it out today for free and witness how Clear Rating's Carbon Credit Calculator can help you gain early insights into your projects!

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As the Official ESG Analytics Provider of Hart Energy's annual Energy ESG Awards 2021, we had the opportunity to evaluate and assess performance for companies using our effective formula. See the list of honorees below.

2021 Hart Energy ESG Awards
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