Disclosure Rating Midstream sample

Environmental Ratings & Analytics

Clear Rating Environmental Ratings & Analytics produces comprehensive environmental evaluations focused on standardization, verifiability, and objectivity. Our environmental ratings provide an independent perspective for companies, investors, and stakeholders alike to understand environmental impacts, risks, opportunities, and performance. We also provide all clients with unlimited access to our large network of industry partners including blockchain ecosystems, data validators, carbon credit traders & originators, along with multiple other synergistic relationships.

Transparency & Trust

We believe that in any evaluation process information is second to none. After all, there can be no improvement without first having a starting point to measure from. With this in mind we have based half of our environmental rating scores purely on the level of information disclosed. By doing so we hope to encourage increased disclosure of key sustainability metrics. This also incentivizes those with poor measures to disclose as well, so that subjects needing sustainability measures the most participate.

Standardized Criteria

We standardize our evaluation criteria to reflect the relevant issues for each industry, region, and situation. Our criteria is based primarily on the common criteria between several international ESG disclosure frameworks to ensure that our ratings don't encourage former segmentation. This is in line with our goals of increasing comparability, consensus, and standardization for evaluating sustainability which we find extremely crucial to promote collective efforts.

Enhanced Synergies

Aside from environmental ratings, we partner with several leaders in the sustainability space to offer an entire network of services and ancillary opportunities. These services include data validation through third party auditors in addition to increased trust and transparency though our partners offering immutable blockchain ledger systems that sync with our reports. Additional opportunities exist to profit from information collected with carbon credit origination and similar incentives.

Check out more of Clear Rating's ESG efforts and current events.

As the Official ESG Analytics Provider of Hart Energy's annual Energy ESG Awards 2021, we had the opportunity to evaluate and assess performance for companies using our effective formula. See the list of honorees below.

2021 Hart Energy ESG Awards
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